i started off yesterday morning

having to go to the bank for cash, no biggie.  On the way home, I was thinking about all the people who would be assigned a doll if I was a Voodoo practitioner.  Is it like that?  One doll per person?  Or can you use one doll and you just think about someone as you stick it?  I'm not sure.  Then I remembered that for Lent, I'm not letting other people have a negative affect on me.  I'm letting it all go, well, I'm trying.  For the most part, I've been doing an okay job but I have had a couple of moments.  I start to get amped up and then I have to talk myself down.  What started it all was exiting the back of the neighborhood.  Some numbskull thought it would be a good idea to build a school at the back of the neighborhood, placing the school's exiting traffic coming out into our neighborhood's main road.  I mean, they could've used the county road on which the school is facing but no, let's design this to create an inconvenience for all the people who live in this neighborhood.  Somebody needs Designer of the Year.

A little later there was another incident.  It took a lot but I kept my mouth shut and just tried to forget the neighbor's fb post.  This morning, well, this morning it's just me.  Nobody's done anything but I'm getting myself frustrated.  I'm hoping this Coke will help.  If not, there's more where it came from.  You know what else might help?  Breakfast.  I think I might need something fast.

Sitting at the computer and waiting on Little E to show up reminded me that I took this picture yesterday.

She loves to sit at the computer and play with the keyboard.  Instead of teaching her to leave it alone and not touch it (like I should), I pulled an old one out for her to play with.  She likes it and we can type at the same time now.  The only issue is I caught myself trying to type on that keyboard a couple of times instead of my little one stuffed in the back.

Two hours later, I just got her down for a nap.  She was fighting it hard.  I also saw that second tooth came through.  Man, she needs that nap.  She was crying and fighting it with her eyes closed.  It was making me need a nap just watching her.

I never got around to making breakfast so I'm having a tortilla now.  I also just remembered I bought blueberries for muffins... and Kerrygold butter.  I think I'll make a double batch of muffins.  I'll do that as soon as the baby wakes up.  It might take me twice as long but I won't have to worry about being quiet.  I don't know, maybe I'll start now.  The more I think about them, the hungrier I get and the less appetizing that second tortilla sounds.

Blueberry muffins, it is.  I'm doing this.