i hate lying in bed at

night, unable to sleep, thinking about what all I can do the next day.  Last night this morning, when it was 1:00 and I still wasn't tired, I was thinking about how today I could straighten out the garage.  This morning, as I'm trying to figure out where I can sneak in a few more minutes of rest, I looked out into the garage as Cosme left and wondered where all that oomph and excitement about straightening the garage went.  Was that just the delirium of tiredness coming up with all those grand ideas?  I'm pretty sure it was.

It's similar to my idea of hanging artwork with photographs.  I got frames for those drawings I shared last week.

The highlights to go with The Minster.  By the way, Mom said you can't really see what it is when you're sitting on the couch.  Maybe these two need to be moved.

The skull.

Sleeping Eric.  I decided the wall needed something to bring it together a little.  That something will be blue.

Now what?  Seriously, someone tell me what to do now.  I have no idea where to start.  I guess I could just start hanging and playing around, I don't know. 

And to make things a little more overwhelming, I forgot about these two drawings that I love and took from Dodo. 

So.  Now what?

Cleaning out the garage is looking a little more doable now.