i tried a new

recipe the other day that I found on Pinterest.  Actually, I saw a recipe and did it my way.  This recipe was for a marinade that you put on vegetables and sausage and then grill it all.  First, I didn't want my sausage marinated.  Second, Italian dressing would be much easier and plus, I like it as a marinade.  That being said, I cut up all the vegetables the recipe calls for, minus cherry tomatoes but add mushrooms.  I let everything sit in the dressing and tossed it around occasionally.

Once that sat for a while and the grill was nice and hot, I put some foil down and started the vegetables.  I cut up some sausage and left some to just grill on its own.

Pretty simple, right?  Wrong.  The part I didn't plan out too well was getting that off the grill.  I needed Cosme's help to hold the platter while I worked at getting a grip on all that with tongs.

Anyway, we fixed our plates and ate.  We both agreed that the sausage didn't need to be on the foil with the vegetables and preferred it with the grilled texture. 

I'll definitely try it again.  Oh, I also baked a peach cobbler that day... which is almost gone.  I was going to post a picture with the recipe under Grandma's recipes but that might not happen this time.

Now I need to go figure out how to make this headache go away.