i didn't think

I'd be posting right now but I am and that makes me so happy.  Not only does it mean I'm sitting here but it also means I'm not on my way for my appointment at the car dealership's service department.  I had an appointment for 10:20 this morning but I had to reschedule.  I didn't really feel like making that drive or sitting there anyway.  I need today to stop for a second and chill.  It kind of feels like I've been going nonstop.  I know I haven't but it sure feels that way.  I think next week might be a little slower, except for the car appointment that was rescheduled...

Monday was Lucille's appointment with the groomer.  ugh.  She was stressed.  I picked her up and it was awesome.  She was soft and fluffy and clean!  Then we got home.  Strat did not like it.  He didn't like her for coming back smelling like that and he didn't like me for taking her.  He was really being a jerk with all his hissing and growling.  He was better by that evening and had almost forgotten it by the next morning.

We had thought about going to Big Bend last weekend but we didn't.  We are going to Denver pretty soon for Cosme's birthday.  There's a concert and I want to do lots of exploring with my camera.  Even though it's not the road trip I wanted to take, I think it'll do.  We considered making the drive but I really wanted as much time as I could get for checking out the sites.  Speaking of which, one of the things I wanted to do was drive to Mount Evans.  Watching the weather reports and all the snow they've had and are expecting, I'm betting against my drive up a mountain.  (It might be possible but considering the images of driving off a cliff that are going through my head, it probably won't happen.)  Anyway...

I guess I really should get busy with the things I need to get done before another day passes and the next busy day gets here. (sigh.)

Here's a random picture just so this post doesn't look so long and wordy.