today it's about

handwriting.  Since I always have food on the brain and am in the middle of making lasagna, my grandmother's recipes came to mind.  My grandmother was always cooking and it was always good.  She even made liver when I was a kid and I liked it.  This recipe isn't one of my favorites but it's been through a lot and some of the handwriting has taken a hit.

I personally hate bread and butter pickles.  Another thing they always made was fig preserves.  I use "they" because I think the pickles and preserves were mainly my grandfather's thing.  I have my grandmother's recipes but I've never been able to find the one for fig preserves.  I don't like those either but Eric does.  I always wanted to make some for him but until I come across that recipe, I won't make any.  I know he likes this one and that's the one I will use.  If I never find it then I will never make fig preserves.  (Stubborn?  Definitely.)