inside your bathroom

cabinet - it isn't the most exciting thing to see but it was the challenge so here it is.

This is one of the cabinets.  A while back I decided to make labels.  It isn't that I need a label on something but a label just seems like it's easier to put something back where it belongs.  I'm learning here.

In the process of labeling I also did some rearranging.  I'm only 5'5" and the cabinet goes up to the ceiling so anything above the second shelf requires a ladder.  Everything is just about perfect for me now.

Yes, I have the old towels labeled too.  This is so Cosme can use those for his workouts and stuff.  (Notice they're also on the top shelf, not wasting any of the short people space.)

Today I have to drive to Webster or League City or somewhere over that way.  I never go that way so I don't really know which towns are which.  Alex Rodriguez Mercedes is there and my car needs an inspection sticker and a look over.  I don't mind taking my car to them because everyone there is so friendly and I know I'll drive away with a washed car.  Let's just hope that all goes well.  I'm also going to a Pampered Chef party tonight.  I'll finally get to order the small mixing bowl I've been looking at for about a year now.