i've been working on

things for the baby shower this weekend.  I started off searching for sugar free punch recipes, then I went with homemade sugar free lemonade and after Paige tasted it last night, I've decided to stick with the original punch recipe (even though I haven't sampled it) and also bring a jug of unsweetened tea.  Cosme originally thought the lemonade was pretty tart but Paige thought it was really sweet while I thought it was fine... considering it was sugar free lemonade.  I'll sample the new punch before serving it but I won't mix it until the day before.  Let's hope it ends well.  Other than figuring out the perfect sugar free lemonade, I've been spray painting and crafting.  One of the hostess gifts was also delivered.  Five minutes after it arrived, Strat claimed it.

Guess what also came in the mail.  Seriously, guess.

A Montgomery Ward catalog.  Montgomery Ward.

I didn't even know that was still a thing.  The Cowboys crock pot is pretty cool but they also have cordless phones, jam boxes, walkmans, Atari, and other high-tech things, in addition to housewares and stuff.  Who knew?  Not me.

I was at Walmart buying spray paint the other day and I saw this.

I thought it was cute.  I didn't buy it because I welcome the little sheets.  Maybe I should have bought it for Mom.

I tried a new recipe last night, Rustic Chicken with Garlic Gravy.  I didn't get a picture but I found it on Pinterest HERE.  I don't know if Eric and Paige enjoyed it (they came over for dinner) but Cosme and I liked it.  I didn't follow the recipe exactly but I went by it.  I ended up adding more butter, in addition to cream, to the sauce and I didn't cook the chicken in it but added it towards the end.  Oh, I also added mushrooms to the gravy.  I served it with rice and green beans and will have rice and gravy/sauce for lunch today.  I tried another new recipe last week and Paige came by on her way home from work to take extras home for their dinner.  I didn't get a picture of that one either but it was also chicken thighs and we all liked it.  Eric asked last night why I've been making so much chicken lately.  Easy.  It was on sale for 88 cents a pound.  And actually, I haven't only been making chicken lately, but it just happened to be what we had the two times he ate with us.  There's also the fact that Paige is on a restricted diet right now so when I have something that fits into it, I offer some to them.

I also picked up a few more baby items off the clearance rack.  I'm addicted to deals!  It could be worse.  Oh wait, there's Coke too.  And sweets.  Whatever.  You only live once.