and just like that

it's been over a week since the wedding.  I was exhausted.  I managed to get some stuff done last week but seriously, I was worn out.  We used this weekend to fully recover.  I now feel well rested and like I'm back in my normal routine.  Something happened to the garage door opener the day after the wedding but we haven't been able to look into it because there's so much stuff still stacked up out there.  Today I'd like to work on getting some of that under control.  Don't get me wrong, it looks better but it's still not good.  There is a lot of stuff.

Oh, another thing is the food.  We still have bbq left from the wedding.  I ate bbq every day last week, except for one.  I guess the rest needs to go in the freezer today.  We also had sausage left over but I took care of that and tried a new recipe.  I pulled some shrimp out of the freezer and tried my hand at THIS jambalaya recipe on  I think it's a keeper but next time I might use a little less cayenne.

That's also a couple of slices of fresh-from-the-oven french bread.  I thought the jambalaya needed it.  Next time I'll plan it a little better because you know what would be the perfect finish to spicy jambalaya?  A nice, cold, creamy slice of cheesecake.  Maybe I'll make one this week to go with leftovers.

Ahhh... normal routine.  Baking, cooking, cleaning and no crafting of any kind.  Give me a little time and I'm sure I'll feel like doing something but definitely not this week.  And I could also probably go into a little detail about the wedding or the week after when I was MIA but no, I'm getting back on track and don't need any stories to trigger flashbacks or PTSD.  I will say this though and I know it sounds ridiculous, VERY ridiculous, but I was so stressed before the wedding.  That week before I was waking every morning around 3:00, not able to sleep and just had stuff on my mind of what needed to be done and wondering what I was forgetting.  I knew I needed to chill out and here's where it gets ridiculous.  I went on YouTube to find some kind of chill music, just something where I could put headphones on and it might make me take a nap.  I found a hypnosis video on anxiety.  I played it.  I SWEAR that next morning, the morning before the wedding, the morning I should be totally stressed because it was the last day for anything to get done, I woke up at my regular time and not 2:00 or 3:00, my stomach was normal with no twisting or knots or trouble brewing and I felt awesome.  I wasn't stressed at all.  It was the best feeling.  I don't know if the hypnosis worked or if the guy's voice just made me chill or what but something worked and I went with it.  Dealing with anxiety and worry like I do and finding something that helps in any way is awesome and I'll take it.  Now, if you catch me making granola or dreamcatchers or whatever kinds of things new age hippies do, call for an intervention.  Please.  I don't have time for any of that.  Well, maybe making the granola is okay, I mean that could be a delicious snack... but that's IT.  I draw the line at whatever comes after making granola.  I'm serious.

Now I need to go fold clothes... unless mother earth wants to do it for me.

I'M KIDDING.  Oh crap.  Maybe I shouldn't even kid in case y'all think I'm serious and call for that intervention.  I need a safe word or phrase or something where I can call uncle and y'all know I'm not serious.  I'll think of something.  "I love McDonalds" seems like a mouthful.