a while back we

heard Maggie scratching at our bedroom window screens.  She ended up tearing a little hole in one.  We figured she was being bad and trying to get in.  Yesterday I heard her doing it so I grabbed my phone to catch it.  (Sorry it's sideways.  Tilt your head... it doesn't last long.)  She wasn't trying to get in but she was actually trying to catch bugs.

So she's not bad, she's just a killer.

Speaking of Maggie, I need to get her a bed.  (By the way, I took these pictures right before I went out to clean up the water hose she attacked.)

Now I'm off to what will be a very long and tiring day.  First I'm headed to finish the haunted house and then it's back at 5:30 for our awesome production.  In case you don't remember, here's the short clip I shared from last year's haunted house.