it's the most

wonderful time of the year.  (You have to read that while humming the Andy Williams tune.)  Yes, it's the holidays and that's wonderful.  Thanksgiving is next week and I can't wait to snack on leftovers all day.  Christmas is right around the corner and I can't wait to open presents and visit with everyone.  All that's obvious but it's also time for something else.


I didn't see any Cuties at Kroger yesterday but that's fine since my last two batches earlier this year were duds.  I picked up a crate yesterday and I was so excited, I choked on the first bite.  It's bad enough to choke but take my advice and don't choke on juicy citrus.  That burns a little.

I'm thinking about the whole photo-a-day thing.  Next up is 271 and there should be a total of 365.  Today is November 18th and I have just under 100 to do before December 31.  I better get busy.