happy birthday

to Cosme.  Wait a minute.  I just realized why he needed to take my laptop with him.  I think it had something to do with a birthday blog post.  I didn't post his baby/little kid pictures last year because of the few I do have of him, I didn't really know if he'd want me to.  I'm nice like that.  Besides, why would I want to give him reason to get me back on my birthday?  (Every year I request that nothing be said to a waiter at any restaurant on my birthday.  He's listened to me so far and I'm not going to risk ruining that.)  I at least wanted to post a current pic this year.  Oh well.  Since I'm on Eric's computer and am too afraid to mess anything up, I guess Cosme's safe once again.  Next year will be my third year to do the whole picture/birthday blog post.  Maybe the third time will be a charm.