the garage door man

showed up yesterday and was kind enough to raise the door so I could get my car (and anything else I'd need for the weekend) out of the garage.  What a relief.  He didn't have the right springs but at least I have transportation now.  Anyway, I did get to run my errands yesterday.  When I pulled into the driveway with all my groceries and a new grill, I realized that all that stuff had to be carried in.  Ugh.  It might not seem like a long walk but it actually is.

See the arrow on the right?  That's where I parked.  See the arrow on the left?  Down that walkway is the front door.  Seriously.  It doesn't seem like a long walk in the picture but it is.  Take into consideration too that extending out of the right side of the picture is another 10 feet or so of flower bed that has to be walked around.  And that walkway to the front door?  It's over ten feet.  You put all that together while carrying grocery sacks in the Texas heat at noon and you've got something I'd rather not do.  (I would like to take a minute to mourn the possible loss of the once overgrown hibiscus.  When I cut them back earlier this year they never returned.  Shouldn't they be blooming now?)  Oh well.  I thought for a minute.  There had to be a more efficient way to get this done.  My answer?  The wheel barrow.  I got it out and loaded the groceries up and wheeled everything to the back door.
It was ghetto.  Wait.  Can a wheel barrow be "ghetto"?  Yeah, it probably can if the only tire it has is flat.
If there was ever a time I felt like a hillbilly, it was then.  I've probably said that before but I'm pretty sure hauling the groceries to the back door in a wheel barrow with a flat tire tops any other moment I've had.  On the bright side, that wheel barrow is so rarely used, it was nice to finally get some use out of the thing.

Now that I'm back on track, it's time to get to prepping.  I have a cake to bake, dip to make, shrimp to thaw, eggs to boil and as usual, the regularly scheduled cleaning and laundry.