i was looking through

some of my old drawings yesterday. I do that every once in a while.

I found this pumpkin painting
Hands are something I always draw. We used it on our first study of contour line as well as shading. I enjoyed it and went with that. Ms. Mouton always stressed to us how important it was to only draw it if it was an object in front of us and to NEVER draw from a picture. Anyway, there are tons of hands in my drawings.
See? You can put them in so many poses and it's so much easier than carrying around a still life... says the person who carries a baby shoe, red chair or vintage suitcase almost everywhere she goes.
This next one was the first skull I ever drew. It was never finished. That's okay, I always hated it. This was a lesson on stippling with ink. So all the shading is done with dots upon dots upon dots. I hate upon hate upon hate that.
I still like skulls when they're not shaded with dots, even if they are human... more on that tomorrow. I believe this was charcoal. My favorite medium is chalk pastel and next comes charcoal. (I am framing this and putting it in Eric's room.)
A skull with a flower in its mouth? No? How about a wine bottle with a ballet shoe? Maybe I should give this to Brittany, it was her ballet shoe.
Had enough for today? Yeah, me too. Now I'm in the mood to find Eric's aoudad skull in the backyard and go to town with some charcoal. Although, I think something might have r-u-n-n-o-f-t with it. (If you haven't seen "Oh Brother Where Art Thou", I think something might have run off with it.)