i've had several posts

on how I don't particularly care for Oprah Winfrey. It's not the person she is because I've never met her. I just think it's ridiculous how so many people follow her lead and the extent to which she takes it.

When I checked the mail yesterday I had this.
Wow. I love a good deal.
Seriously though, I would never. I know she'll never see it but I would feel a little better if someone at her empire knew how I felt and that we are not all blindly waiting for Oprah's next "words of wisdom". (Did you notice that on the picture above? "words of wisdom"... please.) So, here's a quick little note I typed up:

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to say thanks, but no thanks for the magazine offer and I hate to pass on such a bargain. I'm sure Ms. Winfrey is a swell individual but I'm honestly tired of seeing her everywhere. Believe it or not there are many of us who have no need for her stance or opinions. I personally find it pathetic that so many others do.

I congratulate her on the wealth and success she has achieved but I do not plan to contribute to any part of that.


Now you probably want to know why I'm wasting my time and money on this. I'm wasting my time because the thought of that being said and sent makes me feel a little better. As for the money, I'm not wasting my money. She was kind enough to send me a postage paid envelope. If I don't use it, that envelope will end up unused in my recycling bag. Now that would be a waste of money.