here's the last

one from the drive over the weekend. It's also the last one I did with the camera propped up on my arm while driving. I saved it for last because the sky was so pretty.
Going with the orange from the sunset and since there are only 30 days until Halloween, I'm posting the next ones of Lucille. It seems like Strat always makes it up on the blog while Lucille is left behind. I saw this sweater at Michael's. It's made for a teddy bear but you know how I am.
By the way, I intentionally put the sweater on backwards.
Lucille is the sweetest cat. She just wants to be held and scratched on. If you sit, she gets in your lap and takes a nap. Even if she isn't wanting to be held, she goes limp and gives in when someone picks her up. All of these things are why I love what appears to be a glare in the next picture.