the sinus pressure has been

for real lately.  I don't think my Zyrtec D is working anymore.  I used Afrin with Benadryl the other day and that helped.  The only problem is, Afrin can't be used for more than three days and Benadryl can't be used when I need to stay awake... so most days.  Right now I'm experimenting.  I might need to make another trip to the store for Flonase.  My last bottle fell and busted on the bathroom floor so right now I'm using the herbal stuff from HEB (have I talked about that here?) and eucalyptus oil on my face.  I'm trying to lay off the peppermint oil because I don't think Cosme can take it anymore.

I had a CBD gummie that Mom gave me the other day.  I'd been keeping the bag in my "dirty hippie" box.  After that, it took on the taste of the smell of the dirty hippie box.  I like that smell, but it doesn't taste the best.

For anyone not knowing, I store my frequently used oils in this box.  It now smells like what I call "dirty hippie".  I like that smell and will sometimes come take a whiff.  If someone made this scent into a dirty hippie candle, I'd buy it.

I had to pour more concrete today.  Maggie's been getting out at the back fence.  There is some good news out of that though. 1.Archer is still traumatized from his accident and won't follow her.  2. By the time I realize she's out, she's usually back at the house and goes back in easily.  3. She already did most of the digging for me.

I started this post two days ago and I've walked away from it twice this morning.  I'm hitting publish now before the neglect starts again.  I'm trying to get a routine going here so that's that.
Oh, but also since starting this post, I'm on day two of Flonase.  Yesterday was okay.  I took Ibuprofen twice and had to put a hot towel on my nose and cheeks for a while. I think I'm about to take my first dose of ibuprofen.  I figured it would be a rough start on Flonase since is not really a quick fix, but I'm giving it a shot.  I'm accepting good wishes, prayers, crossed fingers, and anything else you find that works.