the pandemic and tp

shortage has me thinking about things I need to stock up on. I wouldn't say I'm a prepper or anything, but in a sense, maybe? Okay, I'm not a doomsday prepper, just a hurricane/pandemic worrier. I don't know. I just started looking on Pinterest and saw things that preppers are doing and wondered if maybe I should be doing a little something... 

Like ordering a bag that can hold up to 100 gallons of water in the bathtub. I've lived in hurricane territory all my life and I've never wished I had or needed a bathtub full of water. During Harvey we had both tubs filled, but we didn't need it. But you know what? Why not? I didn't expect the great tp shortage of 2020 but there it was. By the way, there appears to be a topic on Pinterest. I had to google SHTF situations. Then I ordered a 100 gallon bladder for if SHTF.