Yeah, so much for

whatever goal I had.  What was it?  Keeping with my daily photo?  Keeping up with posting?  Both?  More?  Whatever.  All I know is nothing happened.  Once again, there's nothing crazy keeping me from anything, just regular old stuff keeping me busy.

Going through my phone pics since Oct 1, it looks like only a few things have been picture worthy... other than the obvious pics of Little E.

I made a batch of pancakes, with one looking kind of sinister.

Do you see it?  The two creepy eyes looking to the side with a creepier grin?

I posted a photo for National Get Funky Day.

I actually made it through half the month, taking on the National Day theme with the regular daily one like I talked about.  Maybe it was too much to take on.  I burned out and here I am again, lying low on social media.  It could also be an introvert thing.  I posted a pic of the baby on fb and got a lot of feedback.
Current mood: radio silence.

I am about to post something on fb though.  I'd like to go to a bar downtown tomorrow, La Carafe.  I've never been but it's been sounding kind of fun.  It's the oldest building in downtown Houston and it's haunted.  I'm scared so I'd like to find out how many people have gone and actually experienced anything.  I looked up a few videos and started to get even more scared.  Then I watched part of a recent interview with Edward Snowden and I'm thinking the ghosts don't scare me as much as the government.  Yeah, all that NSA junk is old news, but the video was just an oh, yeah moment.
Ghosts, schmosts.  (Just kidding, ghouls.  I'm still scared.)

We went for a Coke one evening when Cosme was done working and we ended up at the beach.

Nothing sets the tone for a perfect sunset shot like palm trees and an industrial zone.  That's sarcasm there, folks.  The palm trees need to go.

I guess that's about it.  Well, plenty more has happened but do you really want to hear about all the Zyrtec I've been taking?  Besides, it's almost 10:30.  It's late and I'm tired.  I can talk about the new restaurant in town and our new mattress later.