I think I've done enough

complaining for everyone to know that my back has been bothering me.  It all started a few years ago.  I started going to the chiropractor, we got a new mattress, and the aches eased off.  I haven't been going to the chiropractor, we needed a new mattress, and the aches were back.  I was using Icy Hot and ibuprofen daily.  I went down to look at mattresses one day and found one I LOVED.  I told them I knew I didn't want memory foam because I don't want to feel like I'm sinking into a mattress.  They led me to it and as soon as I got on, I said that was the one.  It was a Purple.  I tried the 2 Hybrid and the 3 Hybrid.  The 3 was too soft.  If you haven't seen what it's made of, you should.  It's pretty awesome.  Anyway, we didn't do anything about it because I wasn't about to buy a mattress without Cosme trying it out first.  One day, I thought.

I'm not sure exactly what the mattress grid is made of but this miniature piece is fun to squeeze.

Last weekend my back was aching so I messaged a massage therapist on Sunday.  I asked if she did chair massages and told her about my back and how I'm weird and can't do a regular massage.  She scheduled me for Tuesday.  Cosme had a break on Monday evening so we went to Mattress Firm so he could test the Purple mattress.  He got on and loved it.  He actually thought the 2 Hybrid was soft and liked how the Original was firmer.  They actually feel about the same but the Hybrid seems bouncier.  (I don't think the Original has springs.  I don't know.)  We left with the Original, having 120 days to exchange it if we don't like it or want to go for the Hybrid.

It is definitely firmer than our other mattresses and it took me a day or so to get used to it.  It took Cosme a little longer and I think he still might be thinking about going back for the Hybrid.  Oh, it also stays cooler than regular mattresses so my weighted blanket definitely helped me get used to that.  I went for the chair massage the next day, which helped whatever I pulled in my back while setting up the mattress.

To wrap that long story up, I haven't needed Icy Hot or ibuprofen since last Monday.  Well, I did need ibuprofen but that was for a headache.  The Icy Hot and ibuprofen are a lot cheaper than the mattress but this way feels better.