i've been in somewhat

of a photography rut.  Maybe not so much a rut as an uncreative streak.  Creative block.  That's a good term for it.  I want to do but I don't know what to do or where to start.  Earlier this year I mentioned all the lists I found on Pinterest to getting back on track, especially when it comes to things like being organized... and we all see how far I got on those.  So for the last few nights when animals woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep, I picked up my phone and started searching for ways to get ideas.  We all know I do a daily Instagram challenge and that's great and all but it's just my phone and I want more.  So I found a few more lists with daily themes, along with a few ideas of using one lens for a while or all this or that or whatever.

Well, it wasn't just an uncreative streak that hit, I also updated my operating system a few weeks ago, just before I took some prom pictures for a friend.  Long story short, I couldn't open anything from my camera on my computer.  I finally found the cure, which came through asking for help on an Adobe forum and assistance from Cosme on following the directions I was given.  (ps- two things I've NEVER been good at are math and computers) We fixed it yesterday, I got the prom pics finished and here I am now.

So, to work my way out of this rut or around this block, I looked over a couple of lists and the first one on each was "self portrait".  Here's what I did last night.

It's a self portrait with one of the things that might be keeping me in a creative block, my phone. Words With Friends, anyone?  Also, I used my 50mm lens and decided to go with black and white. Maybe one of those will be the start of a theme?  We'll see.

Today I'll look more into getting around creative blocks in addition to putting a few things back on the computer that I had to delete yesterday.  Hopefully this ends well.