can i call

it or can I call it?  I went to the dentist yesterday.  No biggie.  I have a cavity.  He showed me the x-ray.

Me: Wait...  This tooth with the big filling has a cavity?  (I give him a look like I know what's     coming...because I do)
Him: Yeah... you'll need a crown.

I know at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo they give out Hard Luck Awards.  The cowboy with the roughest ride/outcome wins airfare.  I think I'm deserving.  As I left I could only think of two things: 1) at least I have insurance and 2) at least I don't have poison ivy.  So, one week from tomorrow I'll be back in Houston for a crown.  And then hopefully before two weeks from that I'll be back for my permanent crown.  (I mean two weeks from that is Thanksgiving...)

On that note, I had a dream I was covered in poison ivy.  I realized I walked through it and was in the shower washing the oils off while on the phone with the doctor telling them to get a shot ready.

I bought bananas for banana bread.  I think I'll make it today.  The exterminator is coming, maybe I'll offer him a loaf.  It makes several loaves so I guess if anyone else shows up at my door I'll offer them a loaf too.  Oh, I bet that'll be wonderful with the homemade butter.  This might just be a wonderful day ahead of me.

On the dog front, I was watching Maggie out the window yesterday.  I'm pretty sure she was hunting snakes.  She was on a scent and it was around what I'll call the "snake pit" (the mess of palm that was obviously planted with the idea that the buyer of this house would install a pool... don't count me out just yet).  Luckily for me, there were no snakes found on the back porch.

It's almost 5:00.  It's getting late.  I guess I'll start laundry now.