Speaking of my first stop, I ran out the door to get my plat over to the fence company. They're getting my building permit and hopefully getting my fence up next week. We'll see. After I left the fence company, I noticed a section of hair sticking out from the tightened part of my pony tail and doing its own thing. While I'm not known for carrying a brush or keeping my hair combed, I did brush it before the pony tail and I STILL managed to run around with bed head. I just left it.
Anyway, before I'm off to start today's errands, I thought I'd share this piece of info I read online this morning. Sure, she's probably in her 20's which is about right for a "celebrity" in his 40's but when you think about him taking a much younger girlfriend to Disneyland. It almost sounds disturbing and illegal.
And just to clear it up, they're referring to the last Mr. Jennifer Lopez.