we went on vacation

and I knew I'd have things to post to catch up with my photo-a-day, which is now probably two months behind... sigh.  I'll start with Staying Home and Staying Sane's blog hop which, by the way, is normally a Wednesday thing.  So, What I'm Digging is home.  Our vacation was great but home sure is nice.  I love being home, probably too much.

I think Strat loves us being home too.

And for the questions...

1. What do you do to keep your kids occupied while traveling in the car or plane? 
Eric keeps himself entertained with his phone.  Games, music, texting, internet...  When he's done with that, it's time for a nap.

2.  Favorite sunscreen for the family?
I just started exposing myself to the sun again about two months ago but I always turn to the same tanning lotion, Hawaiian Tropic SPF 6.

3.  Best kept secret for the beach or pool?  Handy dandy tips or fave toys or products.
A jug of water for the feet and a clean towel to dry them off.  It's a necessity.

4.  You are heading on a vacation with just your other half...where are you going??? (and how the heck did you manage that?!)
I think it'll be California.  We just got back from Puerto Rico and that was for his 40th birthday.  I said I want a trip for mine too and I want to go to California.  Considering my 40th birthday will be September 20 of 2012, Eric will have graduated and be off at school.  That leaves just the two of us to take my trip.

5.  Best State Park or local attraction that you love for your family outings or vacations?
Hmm... this is a hard one since we don't normally venture out to the parks.  The outdoor thing isn't really my cup of tea.  I prefer a/c and running water.  I'd really like to go to Big Bend.  Imagine the photo ops.  Brazos Bend is pretty cool.  Mom and I went out there one morning in their RV.