it's really starting

to seem like Liz's What I'm Digging Wednesdays are a good reminder for me that this blog is here... waiting...  I will get around to more posts, I really will.  Tomorrow.  For now I'll continue on with her blog hop.  Let's see, let me think about what I'm digging this week, other than air conditioning.  I'm digging the yard guy, but not like that.  I love it when the grass is just mowed and edged and it's hot and I didn't have to do it.  I dig it more when I sit there with a Coke in the shade and look over the yard.  It's very nice.  Now I just need him to come do the flower beds.

I'm also digging my washer and dryer because without them I'd be knee deep in a nightmare.  I guess that pretty much tells what I've been up to when I'm digging the washer and dryer.  Don't get me wrong, this is not even close to a complaint.

Now for the questions:

1. What 3 things do you use everyday? No matter what?
Other than the necessities like the bathroom and air, I use the computer, the phone and the TV everyday.  That might seem sad to some people but hey, I like to stay connected.

2. Coffee or tea?  And how do you take it?
Coffee?  NEVER.  I like tea hot or cold, with or without sweetener.  If I have "iced" tea, I prefer no ice.  I like cold drinks without ice in my glass, thanks.

3. Where do you shop for your wardrobe favorites?  What about for your kids (if you have any)?
Shopping for my wardrobe... yuck.  I have to be in a really special mood to shop for clothes.  I hate it.  I'm so picky.  I hate looking.  I hate trying on.  If I have to shop, I turn to Madeline's (Sienna Rose is my favorite).  My next step is online (anything to keep me out of the store).  If I absolutely must go to the store, my first stop is usually Macy's.  I can do a walk through in less than 10 minutes.  The guys are easier because they aren't as picky and if I see something while out, I'll get it and they'll wear it.

4.  When you were a kid, did you go to Summer Camp?
I went once.  I went with my friends Holly and Hope to their church camp.  I got all new clothes (shorts had to be at least three inches long) and it was so exciting getting ready for it.  I was going to be just like one of the kids in the movies.  We loaded up early one morning to head out and spend the week in Palacios, Texas.  We arrived, unpacked, met some new people and I was ready to go home.  Mom had already told me that if I went, I had to stay because she would be working.  I called my grandparents, crying.  I told them how much I missed them and wanted to come home.  My grandfather, thinking it would wear off, told me to sleep on it and to call him back the next day if I still felt the same.  As soon as I woke up I ran to the phone and called back.  He hadn't even had breakfast but said they'd head that way after he ate.  They left Brazoria and by the time they got to Palacios, I was standing with my bags packed waiting for them.  We left, stopped for lunch and I never looked back.  I swore off camp.

5.  What trait in your spouse/partner drives you nuts but you couldn't live without it?
The first thing that comes to mind is he's very determined.  If he wants something done, he'll get it done.  Like the time he cracked his sternum but the sheetrock still needed to be hung and I couldn't stay awake to help.  (Yes, I still feel bad about that.)  I guess it's good that one of us has motivation.