want to know

what I'm digging?  I'm telling you anyway because it's time for Staying Home and Staying Sane's blog hop.

First, I'm digging the weather.  It finally rained and more is on the way.  Can I get a "WOOHOO"?  I love that it's 10:00 in the morning and the sun isn't glaring through the windows heating the house up.  I think that calls for an additional "WOOHOO".
*Blogger is acting up and I can't post the pic right now.

Second, I'm digging DVR.  Between Real Housewives and NY Ink and my inability to stay awake past 9:00, I depend on DVR.  Needless to say I was horrified the other morning when I awoke to find Bravo was having issues.  Hopefully I will be able to get a few missed episodes of RHNY tomorrow.
*Blogger is acting up and I can't post the pic right now.

Third (not last, but enough for now), I'm digging the few bursts of energy I have for housework.  Maybe it's the heat maybe I don't know but I have plenty to do but not much motivation.  Even Strat's getting more done than me... okay, maybe that's pushing it.  I'm definitely taking vitamins as soon as I finish here.
*Blogger is acting up and I can't post the pic right now.

And now for the questions:
1. Where do you volunteer?  If you aren't yet, then where would you like to help out?
I volunteer at church.  Luckily, they're the only ones that call me because I usually have a hard time saying no.

2.  How did you meet your spouse/partner?  And how soon did you know they were the "one"?
We met through a friend.  And as for being the "one", I was a teenager so it was probably the next day.  Isn't it always like that with teenage girls?

3.  Do you let your kids play video games?  If so...what rating do you ban from your house, if any?
We've always allowed video games and never really banned a certain rating.  There's been content I haven't approved of, like the hookers in Grand Theft Auto but he knew not to go there.  If he can't tell right from wrong or pretend from reality, I've got bigger issues at hand... the first being my parenting.

4.  Do you collect anything?  Do you display it or hide it?
Dodo, my grandmother, started a collection of spoons for me when I was but a wee lassie.  I have them hanging on a display rack between my kitchen and bar.  I was actually looking at them a few days ago thinking about how bad they need to be polished.  I also have a little unofficial collection of magnets from where I've been.

5.  Do you have Nights Out where the hubby/wife/partner stays home to take care of the kids/hold down the fort?  What do you do and who are you with?
We usually go out together.  I used to do kind of like a night out but it all goes back to helping out for the church.  I would make cakes to donate when CCE was working the kitchen for Thursday night bingo at the KC Hall.  I would stick around when I could and help, which usually involved a lot of visiting and the occasional wine cooler.

*I'll post the pics later