i swear i will

get back on track but for now I'm relying on the blog hops to keep me going.  I don't even know what day my photo-a-day should be on but I'll catch up, I really will.

As for what I'm digging, right now is definitely not having to work.  It's not the usual summer activities that I'm big on but mainly just being available for everything and not chained to a county desk.  Well, I wasn't actually chained to a desk.  I had to sit in the courtroom on court days and got to fill in at other offices on certain days.  Some days we were even allowed to talk without being reprimanded.

I'm also digging my sketchpad and charcoal.  Every so often the artsy bug strikes and I feel like I need to do stuff again.  I've had a lot of ideas and I've been thinking about executing.  I'm getting closer.

I've also been digging pinwheels.  Do I see a replacement for the baby shoe?  It's crossed my mind.


Question time!

1. Library or bookstore?
Bookstore.  The library is okay because it's not permanent and my problem with the bookstore is I can never make a decision.  I do prefer the bookstore... but I don't like how they all have their special clubs to join.  I just want my book.

2. What is the one thing you and your spouse/partner disagree about?
One thing for sure is television.  He hates sitcoms.  I really only watch one now, The Middle (Eric and I watch it together), but I can sit through most any.  The Brady Bunch, Square Pegs, Family Ties, The Cosby Show, I always liked sitcoms.  Cosme hates them, along with competition shows.

3. What one meal could you eat at least once a week?
 There are too many to list but one thing I can always eat is lasagna.  I've had leftover lasagna and eaten it for lunch all week.  (Not this week but in the past.)

4. Do you buy organic? What are your must-haves for organics?
I don't make it a point to buy organic.  I was buying organic milk but stopped.

5. Best summer movie so far? Haven't been yet...which one are you dying to see this summer?
I can't wait for Horrible Bosses to come out.  That's the only summer movie I'm looking forward to.  Now come November, it's a different story.  Is it too soon to start a countdown to Breaking Dawn, part 1?