i've noticed lately i usually

have something posted before 7:00 each morning.  I don't really have anything to post today so I decided I post pictures to show why.
Today's garbage day.  I need to get two pounds of shrimp cleaned before the garbage gets picked up.
I want to bake a chocolate sheet cake.  Even though it's way too big for just us, Eric's having friends over tomorrow to help him with the wiring on the MG.  I figure that big of a cake might be perfect.
I need to make another pitcher of tea.  By the way, I only had one soft drink yesterday and it was a diet Dr. Pepper.  I didn't have any Coke.  It's looking like today might not go the same.
If I get around to it I might make rolls.  Let me rephrase that.  IF I get around to it I MIGHT make rolls.  While all of that is going on I'm doing laundry.
Once again, while there is a lot going on... there's not much going on.  Okay so maybe pictures of these things weren't necessary but didn't it make the post easier to read and maybe a little more filling?