the cats were due for

a trip to the vet.  For some reason I thought it would be easier to take them at once.  The last time I used the cage there was plenty of room for two cats.  I scheduled their appointment and got the cage down and dusted off.  Note to self: cats get bigger.  It was a tight fit.

I wanted a picture so I kept calling for Lucille to look up at the camera.  She just kept her head hung like she was so sad to be in there.  This was unusual because Lucille's the one that loves being in tight spaces.
I got down to see why she would look up at me.  Oh, I see.
Her face was smashed against the door.  A few minutes later she realized she could make adjustments and get a little comfortable.  By that time, I believe Strat was getting fed up so he started to plan an escape... which he has done in the past.
He couldn't reach the latch on the bottom.  So he started to investigate a latch on the top.
I don't know if he pressed his face against the door to make me feel sorry for him and let him out or if he was trying to figure out how exactly to get to the bottom latch.  (I understand it could very possibly be neither of those reasons but that's how I'm piecing it together.)
Which ever he was thinking, he eventually gave up and decided to just go with it.  The office visit was another story.  It took me and the help of two others to get Lucille out to be weighed.  It's no wonder I figured they would both fit in the cage.  The last time Lucille was in it she was 5 pounds and Strat was 7.  This time they were 11.9 and 18.3.
I did like the convenience of taking them at once so sometime in the next year it'd probably be in my best interest, and the cats' too, to invest in a bigger cage.