i didn't do a very

good job with Easter this year.  I had a postcard to scan and post to wish everyone a Happy Easter.  I didn't get around to it.  I didn't even get around to buying cards and candy.  Eric woke up Sunday morning and wanted to know what was going on.  He woke up excited and came into the living room to find nothing.  I told him I was sorry.  I made up for it yesterday.  I had to run to the store and passed the Easter candy aisle.  Then I realized that all the Easter candy was half off so I loaded up on Eric's favorites.
I left them in the bag and when he got home I told him Happy Easter.  While filling my basket with the peanut butter eggs, I also saw some cute little fruity, gummie candy I just had to have.  They're so cute I'll show you the three that were left in the pink package after eating the bunny and chick.  An owl,
a squirrel
and a porcupine.
The pinks were so cute I had to get blue too.