this post should actually

come after the following post but Blogger does it like this.  So here's my post that should be read after the next one.


I conquered the yeast.  Above are two of the "cakes" fresh out of the oven.  They might look small but they're about a foot long and four to five inches wide.  The next picture is one we've already eaten half of.

Since we are trying to eat healthier, I'm only keeping one for the house and it is one I made a little smaller for that reason.  I'll probably take the other three up to the KC Hall tonight to see if they can be sold with the cakes at Bingo.  If not, well, I just don't know.  Oh, and in case you're wondering whether or not it made Eric feel any better... no.  He doesn't really care for them.  More for Cosme and me.  Score.