i know what she's thinking

"Melanie has been waiting at least a week for a clear day to head to the beach. Staring out this door, I can't, for the life of me, figure out why she hasn't left yet."

Okay, maybe she isn't thinking anywhere along those lines but I surely did. I checked my iPod this morning and we're supposed to have partial sun today. Let me just say there are bigger things brewing on the home front. I've had dough sitting in the refrigerator overnight. I'm making a cream cheese coffee cake this morning. Well, actually I'm making four because that's how many the recipe makes and also, I don't really consider it a cake. Imagine a giant cream cheese kolache but rolled up jellyroll fashion, almost like cream cheese in a blanket... with icing drizzled on top. That's what's going down this morning - assuming my rare attempt at working with yeast isn't a total fail. Besides, I can take the car out anytime I feel like it. Eric stayed home again today. He's still not feeling well. He's got a "cough due to cold". (I'm quoting Forrest Gump, not the doctor.) I'm taking Chris Rock's advice and giving him Robitussin. If you aren't sure what I'm referring to, watch it.  (It's on YouTube) His fever broke yesterday evening but last night got a little weird. He had bumps all over his arm. It was only his left arm and it looked like mosquito bites. I grabbed the alcohol and some ointment we had to get after he had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic last year.  This morning the bites/bumps are gone but he still isn't feeling well.  Maybe my cream cheese coffee cake will help him feel a little better.  Only one way to find out.  I'm off to mix my filling.