one more going

up 77.

Okay, no more corn. I promise. Well, maybe a little but only if you want to count grits. I am determined to try my hand at shrimp and grits in the next day or two. If that's a success you know I'll post a picture. Seriously though, how hard could it be? You make shrimp and you make grits... voila, shrimp and grits. Now that my stomach's growling, guess I'll go settle for a little pb&j... like such
Are you wondering why I have this picture on my computer? I'll let you know anyway. It all started when Eric was little, really little. One day he got in trouble. He knew I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and since he was too little to make anything else, he brought me a sandwich with the hopes of putting me in a better mood. It worked. Fast forward to last month. I was angry since he was tired from hanging out with friends and not following through with mowing the yard as promised. I decided to take his phone away and do the mowing myself. Soon after, he came outside to take over and told me there was something for me inside. He left me a pb&j with a written apology. He knows it still works. It helped him get his phone back a little sooner... well, the sandwich AND finishing what he'd promised.