was delivered and laundry was done. Don't judge me here but my last dryer didn't even have anything to let me know when it was finished. It was just something I was used to. My grandmother's old dryer, that still works today, has a buzzer. I was used to that thing as a kid, that shockingly loud buzzer. Everything now is so dainty-like. It's all chimes and beeps. When I went to start my first load drying, I noticed I had the option to be alerted when it was finished. Sure! Let's try this! The clothes were drying and I kept on doing my thing. When time was up, and my cutesy little chime let out a harsh BUUUUUUZZZZZZ, I jumped. I immediately knew there would not be a repeat of that. But the good news is my laundry is getting washed and dried and it's awesome.
I really wanted to get to the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday. They're open from sunrise to sunset. We rushed but by the time we got there, the sun was setting and they were in the process of closing the gates. Oh well. I told Cosme to pull over so I could at least get a shot of the sunset. It's a little blurry but I was trying to hurry on a narrow road with cars coming from behind. So the one blurry shot is all I have but it explains why I couldn't get into the refuge.
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