the odd thing is

that while I was uploading this picture, there was a commercial for Madame Butterfly.  Sure, it's odd because it's a butterfly but it's also odd because my name on certain forums and things is Madame.  See? Madame Butterfly. Odd, right?
Yesterday Mom and I were running errands and getting ready for the Metropolitan Cooking Show.  We pulled up at the house and this butterfly was right there in all the flowers.  Because there were so many colors, I had to run a color pop action.  I have mixed feelings about actions.  Sometimes I think they're overused and at times they're so overdone it hurts my eyes.  In this case, I didn't care.  I did it.  How you like me now?

Speaking of the cooking show, set up starts today.  I hope the rest of the set up and show go as well and easily as things went yesterday.  Just thinking of the next few days wears me out though.  Mom and I have from 12-6 today and 8-5 tomorrow to set up.  If it's the same as last year, there won't be air conditioning today... which will go nicely with us already being wet from all the rain.  The show starts at 10am Saturday but we'll have help coming later.  Saturday and Sunday will be spent working the show and standing all day.  I think it'll be wise to pack ibuprofen.  On that note, it's already 8:00 and the work isn't going to get done on its own.