i told the exchange

student from Germany to please disregard half the things he picks up from Eric.  After Eric took Simon to Whataburger to experience a triple meat cheeseburger, they came home so he could then be introduced to Beavis and Butthead.  (insert long sigh here)  Fortunately, Netflix was acting up so the online instant viewing was unavailable.  That was okay, Eric had a backup plan.  I found this stack the next morning: The Saboteur (a video game of killing Nazis), Inglorious Basterds (a movie of Nazi killing), Valkyrie (a movie about attempted Nazi killing) and then there's Scarface (cocaine and killing).  He liked it.  I hear he really liked Whataburger too and his eyes got big when he took his first bite.
photo-a-day, day 11