every once in a while

(by once in a while I mean every few years) I get bored and my inner Lauren comes out... but I pull out a camera.  I put on lots of makeup and take pictures.  The makeup freaked Cosme out.  He wasn't expecting to walk in the room and find this.  Cosme and Eric do not dig the makeup look.  I think Lauren liked it.

photo-a-day, day 15

The funny thing is, I remember wanting to go out dancing when I was probably 13 or so and I told Mom to put makeup on me and make my eyes look like this
Again with my inner Lauren...  I am proud to say that after reading the book that Madonna's brother wrote and letting Lauren read it, I don't think she's as much of a fan these days.

On another note, I was cleaning out a cabinet yesterday with some of Eric's drawings from elementary school and I came across a sketch pad.  When I have nothing else to draw or want to warm up for something, I always fall back on drawing my hand.  This hand just happen to have a spray can in it.  It's nothing big, I just decided to share.
It's little because it was made with my phone.