when it's Fat Tuesday and

you've got a roast and a few pounds of ground beef in the refrigerator,  you cook all the meat. I could've spread it out and done some yesterday and some today but who wants to cook when they're fasting? Not me. We can have beef on Thursday but Friday is seafood. There's no way it would've all lasted until Saturday to cook. So... I started a roast at 6am and as soon as it was done, a pan of meatballs went in to bake. 

It's making me tired just thinking about it. It's making me hungrier by looking at it.  It's going to be awesome when I do my picture for the day. The prompt is white on white. I baked a cheesecake Monday so I'm thinking about doing the white sour cream topping on the white cream cheese filling. Sounds like a delicious idea.