My computer is acting

up so posts will have to be short and sweet when they happen. 

I made a roast today. Trying to be a little healthier, I made rice cauliflower. 

That irritates me. Call it what it is. Cauliflower. I also hate vegan and vegetarian names for things. Vegan Chicken Nuggets.  No, it's nothing chicken if it's vegan, it's nuggets. Tofu nuggets? Whatever. It isn't chicken. It doesn't matter though. When we heat the roast for leftovers, there will be rice. Long grain white rice. 

I was straightening the garage yesterday, doing a little cleaning and rearranging. I jumped when I saw this guy on a fan that I was about to move. 

I left the fan there and did other things. Hours later, I hade Cosme move the fan. The lizard was STILL there. I was starting to wonder if he was dead. When I pulled my phone out to get a picture, he finally moved a little. I don't know when he finally left but he's gone and that's what matters. 

I'm stopping here. I'm tired and not used to doing this on my phone.