I haven't even tried

getting on my computer since it froze up on me during that last post. Is this what it's come to? Posting from my phone and not even being consistent because I hate typing on my phone? Ugh. Woe is me.

In other news, I was searching for treadmills online. Walmart's fb ad decided I needed more.

Treadmills are so boring.  Why not work on my abs on a mechanical horse?

I know I mentioned I'm watching Yellowstone now, but I'm not quite ready to take it to that level.

Or maybe, if we ever get a pool, I can get these.

I hear webbed fingers are all the rage but I see that 3-star review.  It was probably Michael Phelps trying to trick potential buyers... or potential competition.

Let's forget about both of those. I want something to do to be active but maybe stay out of the sun and not bounce around while I sit there. You know what would be even better? Maybe I could make money while I do it!

Yes, Walmart.  That's EXACTLY what I had in mind. I didn't read the details, but if that thing's electric, I'd probably need a few extension cords to even peddle to the end of the driveway.  

That's about as long as this post can be. Phone typibg is for the birds. See? I didn't correct that so I can prove a point. Actually, I missed it at first but I caught a lot of other typos.

That's it for today. Goodnight.