Don't you hate it when

you sit down to write something on your blog and your p.o.s. computer is working at a snail's pace? I'm pretty sure it won't last much longer... the computer, not the slowness. It hung up on saving a picture. Figures. So I have a breaker stopping my dryer from working and now old age is stopping my computer.

Maybe sharing something that makes me happy will balance out technology letting me down.

We have been hooked on Jack in the Box tacos and guess what... We figured out how to make them at home!  They are so good.

You know what isn't good? Doing a blog post on my phone. Actually,  it sucks.  (Not as much as a blog post from the iPad but it still sucks.) I might see how well my phone does at searching for new computers next.

Maybe I'll do it after one more episode of Yellowstone.

I've been binge watching since yesterday.  In real time, it's in its second season so I'm almost caught up.  I like it but it's probably not for everyone. It's basically a modern day cowboys and Indians show with corruption. Maybe the older cowboys and Indian shows had corruption but I wouldn't know. I don't think I'll start watching Bonanza to find out. Did Bonanza even have Indians? I guess I'll google that.

Okay, I'm off to finish my episode on my iPad while I search for a new computer on my phone.