last week i helped

Mom with her booth at The Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show.  It was SO MUCH WORK.  It was hard work.  It was tiring work.  The days before were spent getting things together and organized and packed.  Wednesday evening was spent loading up the truck.  Thursday was spent setting up fixtures and some merchandise.  Friday was spent finding tableskirt clips that properly fit and picking up more grid wall accessories then finishing the booth.  Saturday was spent on our feet selling Scentsy non-stop from 10:15 a.m. until after 4:00 p.m. and waiting to go home at 6:00.  Sunday was the same with more breaks and ending at 5:00 but then having to disassemble the booth and load everything up.  That's why I was missing and too tired to post.

Here are a few pics

Loaded up and headed to Reliant Center on Thursday morning

Here's the side of the booth

and the front of the booth