all the stores have their

version of a name brand product and a few of them even change the names a little.  Sometimes they adjust the name to almost sound like the original.  This is the case here.  I was just looking through this ad that came in the mail and really got a kick out of their version of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter".

For the record, I really could believe it wasn't butter and if I were to try this version I'm almost certain I would not think it's butter.

On another note, I went to the eye doctor today.  I've put it off because I didn't want new glasses but these are pretty much done.  The strength is working fine but they're loaded with scratches and preventing me from seeing clearly.  So I went today and got a new prescription but didn't find any glasses I like.  Let me rephrase that, I found two contenders.  One pair is okay but not really what I want and another pair is okay but they're dark blue almost purple.  (Anyone who knows me knows anything other than brown is not an option.)  They're ordering the second pair in tortoise for me to check out so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  This is exactly why I've put it off this long.  I don't like finding new glasses.  It's a major decision for me because I ALWAYS have them on.  I don't want anything too dressy but I don't want anything too funky.  Oh, and I also need to go in next week or so to have my eyes dilated.  yippee.  That's another thing I've put off forever.  I dread it.  I don't like anything being put in my eyes.  On the plus side, because I'm near sighted, it'll be longer before I need reading glasses.  yippee?  Like I told the doctor, my excuse for making bad grades in 9th grade algebra actually ended up being a good thing... I guess.