it's as if yahoo

read my last post.
Did I mention how much I like calendars too?  They've given us a whole calendar to help plan for Thanksgiving here.  I might try it but I'll probably fall back on my Thanksgiving day list.  (Now THAT'S a list... a breakdown of which items need to go in the oven and when, times, temperatures, which dishes for what...)

I will end it here.  I'm sure my carrying on about my organized lists have everyone thinking A) "I wish my to-do lists could be as well planned out and organized as Melanie's" or B) "I sure am glad I'm not as crazy about what needs to be done as Melanie and have all that extra time to do other stuff".  Because I'm sometimes a positive person, I'll assume you picked A.  Now I've got business to tend to and the lists to prove it.