i can officially say

i have had enough cake.  Mark this date and time because those words rarely come from this mouth.  In the last three days I have baked five cakes and mixed six pounds of powdered sugar, three cups of shortening, 3 sticks of butter and half a bottle of almond flavoring (among a few other things).  Between all the cakes and batches of frosting I've had to taste and retaste, I am all caked out.

I did this to make a baby shower cake for a friend.  Although I do bake cakes, I do not decorate cakes.  I probably could with practice and it does actually look like a lot of fun and I did have fun practicing but I am totally unskilled.  I practiced writing the baby's name with colored frosting and it looked fine... on the practice cake.  I was so nervous about getting it right today, my handwriting was horrible and shaky.  So, I did the next best thing, I decorated it with ribbons and butterflies and no colored frosting.  Here are a few pics.
So there's the cake in all its pride and glory.  How's the bow?  That's one of the things I learned while working in the Brazoria County Clerk's office.  (See, it had its ups.)

Maybe once I recover from my cake overdose I'll look into a cake decorating class.  I don't know, it's just a thought.