With all of this other stuff going on, what's not going on is me cooking and cleaning. I've really been slacking at staying on top of things. For real. At first I was in shutdown mode and all I had on the brain was surgery and being scared. I've gotten over that (for the most part). Sure, I really wish I didn't have to do it but I think all the fear has settled. I know it's no big deal but I'm someone who has never had surgery and I'm not used to that kind of stuff. Now I'm just trying to get back on track with my chores and routine. You know, so it can all be thrown off again when I'm stuck healing in bed.
1. I absolutely CANNOT multitask.
2. 2018 is too much and needs to calm down.
I'm hoping that things will calm down soon. I mean, doesn't everyone have an anxiety attack at the doctor's office? Good. I was starting to get a complex.
Anyway, I'm working on getting back into my routine. I've done a few things around the house this morning but have lots more. First thing I did was start mosquito coils going at the front and back doors. The mosquitos are really bad at the front door. Maybe it's the shade? I don't know. They're not horrible at the back door but I do have to sit out there so the dogs can have their free time.
I heard the mosquito plane fly over twice yesterday. They really need to head to Brazoria because it's WAY worse over there. It's horrible.
Okay, I'm getting up from this chair now. I need to take advantage of what little motivation I have.