i can't believe

my last post was on Thanksgiving.  Well, I can.  Let me rephrase that.  I can't believe it's already January 4th.  I'm not one for resolutions because let's face it, I don't follow through.  I either get preoccupied or bored or preoccupied because I was bored.  So, I won't call this a resolution for the new year but I'll just call it a few things I'm trying to change and/or get better with.

1.  I updated my picture on my website's "About" page.  I don't have long hair with blonde highlights anymore.  See?
Cosme took it.

2.  I found another photo challenge.  This is different.  I'm doing this one with my camera instead of my phone.  It's an Imperfect 365.  That means it's okay if I can't get to it today.

3.  The photo challenge means I'll end up sharing the images here.  So maybe I'll drop in a little more frequently.  I wouldn't count on EVERY SINGLE DAY but I'll try.

Speaking of which, here's today's picture.

This is my laptop and card reader.  I took a picture of this because that's something else I need to start paying more attention to.  Starting now.

Now I'm going to go back to the game to see if the Cowboys decided to start playing.