it's beginning to

look a lot like Christmas, kind of.

A few presents are under the tree but one is actually part of Dad's birthday present while another has since been opened.

Coke has their new white Christmas cans out but they're putting an end to them because too many people are complaining about the cans not being red and looking too much like Diet Coke cans.

I've been in the baking mood but that isn't necessarily a Christmas thing.

For the most part, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Let's get back to the baking part.  I made banana bread for the first time yesterday.  My plan was to make it earlier than I did and make several small loaves.  As it turned out, I laid around on the couch most of the day but did end up with three medium sized loaves.  I'd wanted to keep one, send one home with Mom, take one to Cindy and Earl and find homes for the rest.  I baked three so that would have been perfect for the original distribution plan but Mom had already left.  I got one to Cindy and Earl last night and our loaf is almost gone.  (Sorry, Dad.)  Now I'm left with one loaf of bread and about to start the dough for cinnamon rolls.  I guess I'll just have to snack on the extra loaf while I wait.  One thing I noticed though, while I usually have to be in the mood to eat a banana, I can't say the same for banana bread.  I think it always sounds good.