is this week almost

over?  Unfortunately for me, the end of this week is what's getting my nerves all worked up.  I'm behind a few days and this gets me caught up to yesterday.  To catch up on my photo-a-day, I'll explain like this.

Saturday was a day to get ready for Sunday.  Like the way I hem a hoop skirt?  Safety pins to the rescue.
photo-a-day, day 99

Sunday was the main event for Belle of the Brazos.
photo-a-day, day 100

Monday was all about the MG and by 9:00 a.m. I was wanting to go back to bed and calling for a do-over.
photo-a-day, day 101

One picture describes Tuesday.  The fact that my phone did a bad job of focusing in on anything makes it near perfect.  Oh, the winner was Tylenol.  The whole "Rapid Release Gels" won me over.  Just a fun little fact, about a month ago I had Tylenol for a few days in a row but got nervous when I saw something on tv connecting it to E.D.  Oh no, that's just what I need on top of the assortment of ailments my genes have coming my way.  Luckily, after a little research, I found out I won't be getting E.D. no matter how much Tylenol I take.
photo-a-day, day 102

Today is Wednesday and I'm going to enjoy it because tomorrow, Friday and Saturday are really going to be hectic.  Calgon, take me away.