driving through

Chickasaw we came across a sign with a camera on it. This obviously meant we needed to pull over and take pictures. We took these steps up to a trail.
We took the trail to this overlook (or... cliff). Well, I stayed on the trail. The overlook was too high and steep for my nerves to handle. I was already freaking out at this point telling Mom and Eric they were too close to the edge.
After the overlook, we headed down this trail... and I do mean down. Look at the slope. I glanced over the edge and saw how far down it went. I told them I wasn't going down any further with flip flops on. Also, Mom was the only one who brought along a bottle of water. We had tennis shoes we could have changed into once we got back to the rv but at that point we'd just had a pretty good workout. I mean please, who goes hikes downhill in 100 degree heat wearing flip flops, only having to go uphill when it's over? Not me.
