yesterday's meal

had me worried as I prepared it. It all started with the remoulade sauce. It was yellow. Yellow? It looked like a bowl of spicy mustard. I couldn't figure out why the coloring was off. Maybe it I put too much green onion in. Maybe it was that mayo w/ olive oil. Who knows, but I'm not going to let yellow remoulade get me down when I have steaks like these waiting.
mmm, 1 1/2 inch thick filet mignon. Randalls had it on sale so I had four cut for our lunch. I was pretty excited... until we cut into them. There was a lot of gristle. I guess it wasn't too bad but it's not really something I would expect to find at all. Maybe they weren't cut right. Maybe that's why they were on sale. Maybe I'll keep buying them from Kroger. It didn't matter. The meat had a good flavor, was a good medium-rare and we had cheesecake waiting.
mmm, the one Dodo always made. That's my favorite cheesecake. It didn't look right so I put it back in the oven for a few minutes. After it cooled, I put saran wrap over the top. UGH! I immediately realized what I'd done and pulled it off, which messed up the top of the cake. So I covered it with foil and put it in the refrigerator. What I thought would be another let down wasn't so bad. Hey, it might even be good for breakfast, I'll check it out.

Oh, we did have other things, not just sauce, steak and cheesecake. I boiled some shrimp and sliced some celery for our sauce. Our sides were asaparagus and roasted new potatoes. Then of course Sister Schubert's dinner rolls.